Thursday, December 31, 2015

How About Those New Year's Resolutions?

        Last year I said, I wasn't going to make any New Year's Resolutions. I didn't. I tried to be a better person throughout the year. I believe I was successful. My resolution was to make a series of small goals throughout the year and keep them. Did I do that? Did I keep them? Well there is always room for improvement.

      There is something magical with the thought, that tonight at Midnight. Everything is erased and we get a brand new book to write our stories in. Let's think of life this way. Instead of once a year. Every night at midnight, no matter what we did the previous day. We get a brand new blank page to write our stories in.

      Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a brand new day with no mistakes in it? ~Lucy Maude Montgomery

      That quote is somewhere in one of my favorite books, Anne of Green Gables. Anne had gotten her bestest friend in the whole entire world, Diana drunk. She mistook the port wine for strawberry cordial. Or did she mistake the strawberry cordial for port wine? Well that is not important. What is important, she made a big mistake and was able to rebound from it. The mistake had consequences. Diana's mother thought she was an evil trouble maker bent on destroying her daughter. For a long time Diana was forbidden from having any contact with Anne. You see, even when we make mistakes there are consequences. When it isn't a mistake and we choose to do something willingly. There are consequences. The good news is that we are able to learn from mistakes or choices and turn our lives around.
      We are free to choose our actions, but we are not free to choose the consequences. ~Stephen R. Covey

      In life and everything else choose wisely.

      I am not going to make resolutions. That is so intangible and seems so unworkable. I am going to choose to make small goals. Whether you choose to make small goals or resolutions. If you slip up, try again. If you don't give up. Even if you have a few set backs. You are still working at your goals. Even if you are running slowly, you're still lapping everyone on the couch.

      It also helps if you think of your resolutions, or small goals. If your resolution is to lose weight and exercise. That is rather vague. It seems insurmountable. Break it down into small and doable goals. I will talk to my doctor. Find an exercise plan that he or she approves. Then I will work on losing five pounds. And then I will work on losing five more pounds, and then five more pounds, etc.

     If your goal is to lose weight and exercise. I highly recommend Spark People. I will no longer recommend that other weight loss plan with two W's in their name.

     My small goals, in 2016
      ~ Run, actually run, in three 5ks
      ~ Start training for a half marathon
      ~ Make better food choices everyday of the week

 Make 2016 your year! And be Fabulous!

Vintage Schwinn exercise bicycle. My best and worst friend!

PS. I rung in New Years 2014 watching Downton Abbey. I rung in New Years 2015 watching Downton Abbey. Guess what I am going to do New Years 2016? Watch NCIS, well maybe a little. There is a marathon on the USA Network. I guess I will also watch Downton Abbey

Monday, November 30, 2015

I Did It! I Didn't Give Up!

     What I have been working on and blogging about for two months. Before stuffing myself like a turkey. I participated in the Turkey Trot to benefit LARS, Laurel Advocacy and Referral. A great organization that helps the homeless and people that are having trouble making basic ends meet.  

      Whenever I sign up for these events. I am happy until they day of the event. Then when having to wake up early in them morning. The same thoughts run through my head. Why did I do this? I don't want to go. I wonder if I can get out of it?

My number and my lovely chapeau
         Then upon arriving at the event. I want to go home. Can I go home? How can I get out of this? Sadly in the past. If I didn't want to go through something like this. I wouldn't. I just wouldn't show up. Desperately want to quit that type of destructive behavior. It is destructive. People learn that they cannot rely on you. Being considered unreliable. Is possibly the worst thing ever. 
Standing around waiting for things to begin. It was a very cold morning.
     When I started practicing for the Iron Girl 5k. I was finishing at one hour four minutes. By the time the Iron Girl came around. I was finishing at 54 minutes. This time when I did the Turkey Trot. My official finishing (according to Blue Cheetah Sports Timing) time is 47 minutes. I thought I had finished in 49 minutes. Finishing in 30 minutes, will be in my future.

My first 5k

     My new goal for the end of November, December and into the New Year. Is to not gain any extra weight during this delicious Christmas season.

**NOTE** This is my journey. Yours may be completely different. You should always discuss any new exercise program with your doctor.**

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Greetings from the Queen

     The Queen of Procrastination, that is. Bet that you didn't know that Procrastination was its own country? There is, it is north of the country of Dilly Dallying and south of Loafing. The capitol of Procrastination is Trifling. We are proud of our beautiful Frittering River. There are many loyal subjects in this country.

       I plan to move to Hastening, but not live in Rushing or Hurrying. One way to do this is to stay off of social media. Until I get the jobs I want to complete done. To get up earlier and not fritter around doing nothing useful. I no longer want to waste my time with frivoling.

        I waste a lot of time thinking of exercise. When I could be exercising. And if I had gone out and done what I needed to do. When I had first thought about it. I would be home.

        I would say wish my luck, I need a lot more that luck.

Princess of Procrastination

Monday, November 2, 2015

How'd This Happen?

         Sitting here and realizing, it's November 2!  How on Earth did that happen?  Less than a month until the 5k. As far as preparation goes. I'm not quite as prepared as I would like to be. So what to do, what to do? Start preparing for this thing like a crazy woman.

          In the past, I would use my lack of preparation. As an excuse to give up and quit. Well not this time! Just as it was stated above. Must start preparing like a crazy woman. Perhaps this will teach me to stop putting things off. And become a little more organized. I am working so hard on becoming organized.

Lauren Elaine Designs tag
Millpond Jewelry Co birthstone charms
Bracelets from JoAnn's Fabrics

     On the lighter side. Since I didn't receive a finishers medal. The finishers medals only went to those that finished the half marathon. And I didn't place. Well twentieth from last is a place. Isn't it? I gave myself a medal. And commemorated reaching an exercise goal in August.

Warm Tags Bracelet

 **NOTE** This is my own personal journey. Your journey may be different. Whichever path you choose. Please consult your doctor first **NOTE**

Monday, October 5, 2015

I've Felt Like Quitting

   Despite the title. No I am not quitting. It is about the feeling that I get every time I exercise. Every time without fail thinking to myself, I  want to quit, to give up and go home. Especially when it is hot outside. Then I remind myself, that is what I have always done. Every time things got tough. I gave up, I quit and go home. This time I want to do things differently. This time things will be done differently.

    I just don't want to push myself to much or overdue it. That is not quitting. That is listening to your body and using wisdom.

    **NOTE** This is MY journey. Yours may be a little different. Talk to your doctor before starting any exercise or diet program. **NOTE**

Things I tell Myself to keep on going! Hahahahaha!


Monday, September 28, 2015

What Have I Signed Up For?

    When I had to wake up before the crack of dawn. On the morning of the Iron Girl Columbia. I told myself this wouldn't work out (pun intended) And thought that I would not be signing up for another 5k. I am far from my best so early in the morning. Not even qualify as a human before I have had my first cup of coffee.

      Previously I had intended to register for another race in November.  While waiting at the Iron Girl. I was carrying on this serious conversation in my head. I mean I might as well talk to myself. No one else was talking to me. At least I was talking in my head. I wasn't talking out loud. At least I don't think I was talking out loud. Good idea to wait and see if I wanted to do more 5ks. Definitely don't want to do anymore 5ks. Then after the race was complete. I thought, I sort of liked doing this and it did benefit a charity.

     Waking up earlier than usual is really the toughest part. Well next to the waiting and the 3.1 miles. The preparing, the feeling like a turkey vulture had come to take you into the after life. And the heat from preparing during the Summer. After all that waking up dreadfully early was really the hardest part. 

Just a little motivation

     So about this race in November. I felt like I was not ready for that. Seriously needing a lot more time to prepare. I will look for another race in April or May. I will have plenty of time to prepare for something that far in advance. So searching a 5k website there plenty of 5ks, just not for me. So I signed up for the one in November. This one also benefits charity.

     The thing about this race in November. I HAVE TO RUN! The coordinators have a separate event for walkers. So walking is not an option. I have two months to prepare, TWO MONTHS.  So now I am thinking, what did I just sign up for? Last time I had seven months. At the end of seven months I wasn't prepared. Now I have just under two months. What have I done?

    I have registered. And I will do this! Henry Ford said, Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right. So I think can run.

Great things on the horizon

     **NOTE** This is my own personal journey. Your journey may be completely different. And you should always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program. **NOTE**

Monday, September 21, 2015

Iron Girl 5k

    It's been a long time since I wrote a blog. I don't have a good excuse. Just had nothing super fascinating to write about. I don't know if writing about a 5k will be super fascinating, but here goes. 

   I signed up to run the Iron Girl 5k in March 2015. It was billed as a run/walk. So I had a little leeway. I could surely get into running shape by then. After all I had seven months to prepare.  On one the days I was trying to run. It was a really hot summer day. I mumbled to myself. I am going to die. This heat is sucking the life out of me. And then I look up and see a turkey vulture circling above my head. That is when I yelled out, I wasn't serious, you dumb bird!

    On the day I hadn't prepared well enough and had to walk. I am still proud of myself. I finished and I wasn't last. Even though someone finished last. They should be proud of themselves. They finished! And even if someone didn't finish. Well at least they tried. How many people out there don't even try? And I now know what a 5k is like and I know how to prepare.

   On race day. I had to get up super early. Even before dawn. I am not a morning person. I never was a morning person. I think there is no coincidence between the word morning and mourning. And considering my age. It will take a miracle for me to become a morning person. I was going to drink some Carnation Instant Breakfast Essentials. When I got up. My stomach felt a little off. So I decided that I shouldn't drink the Carnation. When we got to where the race was located. I had an anxiety attack and I wanted to go home. I made myself to go to the starting line.

   Waiting to get started. I had such a terrible upset stomach. I had never done anything like this before. And there were so many people. I am such an introvert. So this was very taxing. We introverts would choose to hide in the house over getting out with a group of strangers. Not one of them would talk to me. Even though I smiled. I made eye contact. Felt almost like the new girl on the Elementary School playground. A lot of women were signed up for the Half Marathon. I cannot know the state of mind of any of the participants.

Waiting is the hardest part

   The officials had delayed the Half Marathon by fifteen minutes. Since some of the runners of the Half Marathon were stuck in traffic. So the 5k was also delayed. This wasn't good for my stomach. My stomach, nerves and I don't like new things. I wanted to run away before the race ever started.  Then again I have always done that. I always run away from things. There is a saying, When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Well for me, when the going got tough. I went home and hid. I didn't want to do that again.  I want to change that part of my life.

   So we finally got to start and I did run a little bit. I did run a very little bit. Couldn't run the whole way so I walked. There were others walking, too. So I didn't feel so bad at my failure. About a half mile in. My stomach let me know that eating or drinking anything for breakfast would have been a very bad idea. I am so glad that I passed on food. Three fourths of the way through the 5k, I thought if I looked up in the sky. I should see a turkey vulture circling above my head.

   Almost done a lady who was a lot faster than me said. You are almost done. It's all down hill from here. It wasn't all downhill. At least I knew that I was almost done. Then I finally finished. And even though I am not a high caliber athlete. I know why some people cry when they finish. All the pent up emotion just comes flooding out. It is such a release.

   I got my race day pictures recently. I may buy one. They look positively horrid. You know those people that look ravishing and photogenic. Even after doing a 5k? I am *not one of them. I looked like I had just done a monumental amount of exercise. It had also started drizzling. Which was wonderful since I was so warm. The rain didn't contribute to my looks at all.

   On race day morning. I swore that I would never do another one of these things. Then I caught the bug. I like doing these things. And if I can do one that benefits charity, even better.

    **NOTE** This is my journey. Your Journey maybe very different. One thing I know for sure. You should always check with your doctor before beginning any exercise routine. **NOTE**

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Modest Running Clothes

       I was in a store and I have gained a little weight since last summer. And so with warm weather coming soon. I was looking for some cute and modest running clothes. Exercise apparel that wouldn't break the bank. Which I didn't find in the store I was shopping at. They had some very snug shorts that looked like men's boxer briefs. And some very snug Capri pants. Next to the teeny tiny t-shirts. Seriously, these were so teeny tiny the XL looked like it would barely fit a toddler. Do these things stretch?
      I am currently not in good physical shape. Like I said, I have gained extra weight. I have always looked rather doughy. So these very fitted styles of exercise apparel would look horrific on me. I can hear people screaming, My eyes, My eyes! Please put some clothes on! We can't take it anymore! It just wouldn't be a good look.

   I can see why a woman would want snug shorts. The kind that are lose and flowy would get all bunched up and uncomfortable. Unless you have a thigh gap. Let's face it. For most of us girls. The thigh gap isn't happening. Stop trying to make the thigh gap happen. It's not happening! That has to do with genetics and how your femur connects to your hips. I digress, that is another blog entirely.

    While out exercising one day. I did see a lady who looked as if she stepped out of the pages of Runners World. She had her matching top, pants and running shoes. All in a beautiful shade of chartreuse. Looking very graceful and elegant with correct strides and proper running form. I thought one day, I will look fit and elegant like that. Even if I was in fantastic shape like this young lady. I think I would still desire modest exercise apparel.

    Getting very personal and even TMI. My thighs are madly in love with each other. They are in that honeymoon phase and won't stop touching. (I warned you, I told you it was TMI) Which makes wearing loose running shorts very uncomfortable. That is why I like a running skirt with Jockey Skimmies slip shorts underneath. (Jockey Skimmies slip shorts is the best invention ever, just so you know)

    So I head to my favorite website, Amazon. I find a super cute skaters skirt. Alas, I should have read the reviews. If I had read the reviews. I would have found out that this skirt is really short and barely covers the essentials. And unlike one of the reviewers. I don't really think it is cool to panty flash anyone. Or in my case Skimmie flash anyone. If I thought that was cool. I would just buy and wear the mens women's boxer briefs. I would wear them in all my dough girl glory.

      After trying that skirt on and finding it quite unsuitable. I found another skirt. I bought it in a large and it is eighteen inches long. The smaller sizes are shorter. So when I reach the smaller sizes. I don't know if this skirt will still work.

     And Jockey Skimmies Slip Shorts. Which are seriously the best thing since sliced bread. Not just for running and exercising. I wear them with dresses, too. They give a little more coverage and security.

Because not only do I think getting fit is fabulous. I think being modest is super fabulous.

My Skirt from Amazon with my very cute Kentucky Derby T-shirt

Friday, March 27, 2015

Training for a 5k

        **Note** I lost my weight using Points Plus. I have not and will not use Smart Points**

     Turning forty doesn't really feel much different than thirty nine. I do feel a lot better than I ever did in my twenties.  I dress better, too.  While in my twenties I gasp to think about how much I needed Stacy and Clinton. Why didn't anyone turn me into "What Not to Wear"? And hair, don't even get me started on my past hair.

    I want this part of my life to be filled with different things. I always wanted to run. So I signed up for a 5k in September. I figure I have enough time to train for that. I want to run. I already know that I can walk 3.10 miles. I want to push myself to do what I have never done. Eventually I want to run The Boston Marathon, but baby steps.

     So I am building up my stamina. For two weeks I have been riding my stationary bicycle. Riding it for twenty minutes a day, six times a week.  Trying to slowly build up stamina. Like I said, baby steps. Next week my exercise routine changes.

     I had quit Weight Watchers. I decided to go back. I am tired of the weight creeping up and up. Slowly creeping back on. I had the most success with Weight Watchers. It is a very good program. I was doing Spark People. Don't get me wrong. Spark People is a great program. I just found ways to cheat while doing Spark. It wasn't them, it was me.

    Embarking on a new journey is Fabulous!

My two biggest fans and motivation!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Lady and Her Yoga Pants; A Love Story

     Once upon a time. In a land not so far away. There was a Lady. Her family had betrothed her to Jeans, but more often than not. Jeans had teased her and left her in tears. They never fit her properly. Especially at the clothing store in front of everyone. The Jeans seemed to take a malicious joy in upsetting her. And every twenty eight days or when she had fast food. The Jeans mocked her cruelly.

       Feeling low on a shopping trip. She walked into the athletic section. And that's where she met Yoga Pants. She tried on the Yoga Pants and spun around. She had finally found true love! The Lady and her Yoga Pants went every where. They went out to eat. To the grocery store. And believe it or not, they sometimes even went to yoga.

      Alas, the Lady's happiness did not last. She had an evil Twin Sister. The Twin Sister was always scheming to destroy the Lady and her Yoga Pants. So one day the evil one told the Jeans why they were abandoned in the dresser drawer. Together they went to call on the Prince of the County. All three conspired that Yoga Pants should be banished forever from the Lady's closet. And if the Lady was ever caught out in public with her beloved Yoga Pants. She would be thrown into a deepest darkest dungeon for many years and charged a hefty fine. 

      The People of the land. Heard of the Lady's plight. And how the Prince and the Evil Twin planned to banish Yoga Pants and the Lady to a deep dark dungeon. The People went to the King and Queen of the County and told them about these wicked plans. The King and Queen also thought that the law was absolutely ridiculous. And put a stop to it immediately. They also declared the Lady's birthday as The Official Yoga Pants Day. With a huge feast and street festival. Where the price of admission, even for the guys, was donning a pair of yoga pants. And the Lady and her Yoga Pants lived in comfort, Happily Ever After!

     Yes this story is satire and it is ridiculous. What is more ridiculous is that it's true. There is someone who makes laws. He wants to ban yoga pants!

     Fortunately for everyone with common sense. The bill is not going anywhere. I may not wear yoga pants that often. I don't want to take away anyone's right to wear them. It is a slippery slope when the government can legislate what kind of pants we can and can't wear. I think it is silly looking to wear pajama pants out in public. I would never try to get them banned. 

Wearing Yoga Pants, or even pajama pants. If that is what makes you comfortable, is fabulous. Preserving our personal freedoms is also fabulous!

Olivia hacking up a lung at the prospect of any woman losing their beloved yoga pants

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Comfort Food for Valentines Day or Any Day

Lasagna is not an everyday dish, but something wonderful to make for your love(s) on Valentines Day. I don't have an actual Valentine. So my loves this year are my family. Also my dogs, but they can't eat lasagna. Can you picture big brown eyes begging for a little?

My mother taught me how to make it. I asked her how much Mozzarella? She said, lots. More is better.

 Lasagna is not hard, just time consuming.

But it's well worth the effort

The finished and delicious product

Box of lasagna noodles
tomato sauce
diced tomatoes
tomato paste
Sausage (I use turkey sausage)

Cook noodles according to directions

Simmer all the tomato products together. Add basil (to taste)

Brown sausage in a skillet

Layer all the ingredients together. Starting with the noodles

Cook on 400 for an hour. Or until the center of the lasagna reaches 165 degrees. Everything is pretty much already cooked but cold lasagna ::shudders::

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Golly! What a Dilemma!

      I have just watched the series finale of Downton Abby. And I can't discuss it with anyone, but my mother. (And my dogs) I am sad to see the series go. Having heard that there may be a season 6. The producers and writers and indeed all the staff that is responsible for the show. They wrapped up season 5 so beautifully. I just can't see where they could take the show. If there is another season. I know I will be watching. Drinking tea and eating cookies and watching. Or I will just console myself with the DVD'S. I won't spoil it, but I think you should have kleenex ready for the final episodes.

     I will file this under, first world problems.

My binge watching buddies

Monday, January 26, 2015

Calling All Couponistas

   Knowing that some readers, friends and family are coupon experts. Feeling so excited to share this website. I could barely wait until Monday, when this blog is usually written.  This came from a sad feeling. After putting the coupons I couldn't use in the recycling bin. Googling, what to do with expired Coupons?  I found this website.

    Turns out that military Commissaries will take expired coupons.
Included below is a link to the website. And it has the addresses of military bases that will take these coupons.

*note* If you choose to do this. Make sure to read under the comments under the address. Some bases are closed and some have decided to no longer take coupons.

     Figuring out this whole coupon thing. One must agree that getting a $3 bottle of salad dressing for .99 cents because one has a coupon that doubles is so intoxicating. I may have a stock pile before all is said and done. Saving money and helping others save money is absolutely fabulous.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Forty Days of Good Deeds

    I'm about to leave my 30's and turn 4O. I was feeling quite out of it. I was having a mini mid life crisis.  I was having a hard time with the thought of getting older. 

     So instead of continuing in my mini mid life crisis. I am going to make my birthday about helping others. I don't want life to be about me. Or to be a pity party. Exactly 40 days before my birthday. I am going to pray that each day I can be a blessing to someone. This is coming up soon.

       I will post a couple of the things I do. Not to brag. The humble brag is absolutely not fabulous. Hopefully to be an inspiration to others. 


        Posting a cute picture of Lily Poo, just because. 

#Fabulous #40Days #40GoodDeeds #40DaysofGoodDeeds

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Do You Make New Years Resolutions?

  When you make resolutions, do you keep them? I make them,  but when it comes to keeping them. I am bad. I went over my resolutions from last year. And lets just say I am not organized and I can't play the piano.  With reading the Bible and praying. I did much better. There's always room for improvement in that. 

   So from now on. No more resolutions. And with that I am free. I will work on being a better person. I will work on being a healthier person whether it's January or June. No more feeling like a failure when I don't keep them. I can start over as many times as I need too. I finally figured out that New Years Resolutions are so 2014.

   You want to hear something funny? I spent New Year's Eve
2014 watching Downton Abbey Season 3. I then spent NYE 2015 re watching Downton Abbey. This time Season 4. Does that mean I don't have a life? Don't answer. 

    Stay warm! And be your own fabulous! #fabulous #OneinaMillion