Thursday, December 13, 2018

Wigs for Kids!

          Recently I received an email about my blog. If I didn't publish something soon. It would be deleted. It has been too long since I wrote anything. Here goes!

          I am not ready to write about my health and fitness journey,  yet. That blog is coming soon. I didn't want 'Ordinary Girl' to disappear forever. Not after all the blood, sweat and tears that has been poured into it. Okay, okay a little to much drama!

This is the length of my hair when I decide to donate
I can't remember the exact month

Let's get to the reason behind these ramblings. Every year around my birthday. I like to do an act of service. 
(Insert, shameless tooting of my own horn)
This year the chosen charity is; Wigs for Kids! Not only growing out my own hair and planning to donate that. Since that will take a little long while. Planning to make a monetary donation. Plus hosting a fundraiser on Facebook. This will happen around my birthday! Which is in March, stay tuned.

My December progress!
Well maybe it is a little bit longer brushed out?
I still have a long way to go.

What is the reason behind choosing Wigs for Kids? Remember when you were growing up. If you had a bad hair day? It was just the worst. (It is still pretty bad honestly) When you were on the receiving end of a bad haircut? It had to grow out and it took forever. Even worse? A hideous haircut before a big, much photographed event. I received the ugliest haircut before I took my senior pictures. Not only did it make the pictures hideous. The cut took forever to grow out. 
Hair and how it looks is so important. Imagine having an illness that causes hair loss? That would be utterly devastating.

Choosing Wigs for Kids was a personal decision. While there are other charities that accept hair for donation. Surely they do good work.  It isn't my goal to disparage any other charities. Or their operations. Just wanting to draw deserved attention to this very wonderful charity.

The Wigs for Kids website

Frequently asked questions. About the wigs, donations and how much they charge recipients

I really need to grow my hair 14 inches Plus. From the back of my neck. Here is some information if anyone else is interested.

Donate a Ponytail. No highlights for me. For a year or more. It is for the kids. It will be okay.

This organization is also on Facebook

And on Twitter

Now I have to go and order some Sugar Bear Hair, vitamins. This isn't sponsored. Hearing good things about that vitamin brand. I am hoping that it will expedite the process.

I decided to stick with my current hair multi vitamin by Eufora

PS. If you leave me a comment in another language. I will delete it

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

What Happened?

I cannot begin to tell you how happy this makes me
Back when I had success

To be honest. These four weeks (February 12- March 11) Have been an immense struggle.

Between the blog deleting itself, twice. Pictures moving around on their own. Pictures deleting all by themselves. Really cold and frigid weather. It's got me down. Weigh down, (pun intended)
The thought had crossed my mind more than once. Just delete the entire months blog and start all over. Like it never happened. A brand new blog on March 12th.

I'm going to keep part of this blog. Since it was promised that I would share the good, bad and ugly. Deleting blogs, because they aren't going my way is deceitful.

Here's how weeks three and four went. (February 26- March 11)
Note: I did delete Weeks One & Two. I felt that I discussed them enough in the first few paragraphs. Weeks Three and Four made those previous weeks seem redundant.

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (2/26-2/28) I felt very blah. Just like I was spinning my wheels. Still exercised as planned and recorded my food. Just felt like it was getting me absolutely no where. Like I would always bounce between 139 and 140.

On Thursday (3/1) Just wasn't feeling exercise. So I told myself I had a cold and didn't. Didn't really have a cold and totally could have exercised. Friday (3/2) I went out and celebrated my birthday. Did all my exercises. Didn't record my food. Got my period today. Explains the blah feeling. Really frigid and windy.

Saturday (3/3) My real birthday! That is where all was lost and the spiraling into the abyss occurred. My period was doing a number on me. Although it explains my blah feelings and the bloat. Sunday (3/4) I just felt so bloated and blah. Didn't even weigh. Knew that it wouldn't be good.

My birthday cake. No way am I going to turn down cake!

My Birthday blog from last year. In the same boat. Really must get control of this.
Birthday Blog! 2017
Monday and Tuesday (3/5&6) Continued in the spiral. At least I exercised on Monday. If only for thirty minutes. (something is better than nothing) No exercise on Tuesday. Didn't track my food at all.

Wednesday (3/7) Started exercising again. Although deciding this week that I would take it easy. Wednesday through Saturday. I would do only thirty minutes on the stationary bicycle. Then revisit my exercise plan on Monday. Make some changes. That I believe that I can maintain.


This is always the first daffodil to bloom.
It gives me hope!
Thursday and Friday (3/8&9) Recommitted to the healthy lifestyle. By exercising and recording my food again. Also started a new project.

Have I bitten off more than I can chew?
What on earth could these possibly become?
You will have to read the blog in two weeks to find out.

 Saturday and Sunday (3/10 & 11) Feeling much better. Even today, (3/10) this blog has been giving me fits. Trying to delete itself. Moving around pictures. Sometimes I think that it just doesn't want to be published. Maybe it is a sign?
Sundays are usually very hard. For some reason eating too much on Sunday is par for the course. (This Sunday, no different) I was a little nervous about weighing. I knew that I had gained.

Weight 3/11 140.9
Not surprised

I am glad that I didn't delete this blog. It just goes to show. That no matter how hard you fall. Or how much you stray off course. You can get back on course. It isn't easy. It is never easy, but it's well worth it! As Dorie said in Finding Nemo, Just Keep Swimming!

Something that I love to do
Especially when I am feeling blah

     To make a long blog even longer. The struggle continued for almost another month. Gained the weight back.  Lost it and gained it lost it and gained it. Didn't gain the inches back! Could still wear the smaller Easter dress. On April 3rd sitting here writing the addition this blog. It is cloudy, damp and very cold.
     I really don't like this weather. Despise isn't a strong enough word. It makes me feel like my head and shoulders are stuck in a vise. The  throbbing pain is so awful. It can even make me cry. Then just feeling of being out of sorts. Makes me want to eat everything in sight. Ate just about everything in sight yesterday.
     In January and February you expect this sort of weather. March and April it is just so hard to take. The feeling down and the pain. There is only so much ibuprofen one can take.
   My feeling is that I let you all down. I wasn't successful. So I am going to take a break from blogging for a month or two. To figure things out.
I should change the title of this blog to. How to undo all the progress you made in eight weeks.
I really didn't want to publish this blog. I was going to delete it and come back in eight weeks. The struggle is part of the journey though. As is being transparent.
Thank you for reading! 

                           Follow me on Instagram and Twitter

I am neither a Doctor or Dietitian.
All healthcare choices should be discussed with your Doctor before you begin.
 If you leave a comment about a diet pill or supplement. Your comment will be deleted and you will be blocked


~That's my .02 cents. Not sure that it is worth that much!~

Sunday, March 25, 2018

What Can I Change in Eight Weeks? Part Four

Sometimes everything seems dead and thorny
It can be hard to see past the desperate situation

Thank you for coming over to read the final part of
What I Can Change!
It might be the final, but it won't be the last!

Week Seven
Part One, What I Can Change in Eight Weeks!
Part Two, What I Can Change, Part Two
Part Three, What I Can Change, Part Three!

*January 29*
 I didn't change my exercise routine, this week. I can stick with this plan for two more weeks. Ate some sodium bombs on Sunday and Monday.

*Jan 30*
The snow missed us. That doesn't bother me. The best snow storm is the one that never happens.

*Jan 31*
I had a huge, major setback, today. I seem to have gained three pounds in two days. As you can imagine. That has made me extremely upset. It feels like two steps forward and two steps back. Feels like spinning wheels.

Now that I have had my pity party. Time to pick myself up. Dust  off the fluff and keep on moving. Can't let a small setback derail my progress. Maybe it's just water weight?

I did reach my exercise goal.
I had to give myself the You Are Amazing sticker.
I was feeling so bummed

*February 1*
Two steps forward and two steps back. Sounds like a dance?
So I'm going to be cheesy and dance.

*Feb 2*
It was definitely water weight. I weigh myself three times a week. It only really counts on Sunday. Unless it starts to bum me out.

It's really cold outside!

*Feb 3*
Been having a hard day. Going to use prayer and faith not food to get me through.
Started over by working on my Number 3 New Year's Resolution.

New Year's Resolution Update!

*Feb 4*
Last weeks weight 136.9
This weeks weight 140.2

The scale isn't my enemy. Food isn't my enemy. Some types of food are full of sodium and cause water weight gain.
Update on Saturday. The situation that grieved me so terribly. I would have usually drowned my sorrow in a bag of cheese snacks. I didn't the situation was a miracle. Not turning to food was a miracle Thank You Lord!

Plus a what could have been a major snow storm. Ended up being a rain event. Double Thank the Lord!

Week Eight

*Feb 5*
The crisis on Saturday. That would have upset me so much in the past. Has fully resolved. Thank you Lord!

I can't wait until next week. When I get to change my exercise routine. I am getting so bored with my current one.

Mandie was sick all this weekend. She is much better now

It was supposed to be cold and frigid today. It really wasn't that bad.

*Feb 6*
Had planned to hide rocks today. Small crisis instead, but life is what happens when you've made other plans.
*Feb 7*

This song has helped my out so much! I hope that it can help you, too.
Thy Will by Hillary Scott

*Feb 8*
Had another crisis, today. Why does life have to be one crisis after another? It's so hard.

*Feb 9*
Note to self. Don't drink coffee close to bed time. It will result in staying wide awake. Plus your skin feeling like you have the creepy crawlies. The only way to describe Creepy Crawlies is crickets running through my skin. With little Tasers tied to their legs. So annoying. 

*Feb 10*
Had a bad cold. Couldn't exercise today. Could barely put one foot in front of the other. That is a good excuse. 

*Feb 11*
Week One 142.6 (Monday 12/18/17)
Last Week 140.2
This week 139.8
Total Lost in eight Weeks? Almost 3lbs
Had a calzone for lunch. I used to love stuff like that. Now that I am trying to eat healthier. It wasn't all that great.

Pictures From Week One!

Pictures From Week Eight!

In Conclusion!
Lessons from the past eight weeks? I can do this! With exercise and making better food choices. Never been able to stick to a strict diet. Cut out an entire food group. (This girl eats pasta. Not Zoodles real pasta) Monitoring the triggers in my life that cause a binge. Dealing with them. Instead of binging. I can do this!

While this is the final blog of this series. It is far from the last. Hope to see you again soon!

Follow me on Instagram and Twitter

I am neither a Doctor or Dietitian.
All healthcare choices should be discussed with your Doctor before you begin.
Also leaving comments about Garcinia Cambogia, et al. Will get your comment deleted and you will be blocked.


~That's my .02 cents. Not sure that it is worth that much!~

Sunday, March 11, 2018

What Can I Change in Eight Weeks? Part Three

Still using Marbles to measure my weight loss.
I think officially I have lost two marbles, hahahahahaha!
This is a good kind of marbles to lose though

I am so glad that you are back. I appreciate my readers so much!

Week Five
Part One of this blog What I Can Change in Eight Weeks!
Part two What I Can Change! Part Two!

 *January 15*
Hair appointment tomorrow! Getting my hair done is one of my favorite things.

Sharing pictures of this cutie because I can.
Definitely not a shaggy dog. Just a sweet little dust bunny
*Jan 16*
Learned something new. The frigid cold air. Has kept the snow totals low. Some how it creates a barrier and keeps the snow off the coast. That is really great. Snow ruins everything. Winter ruins everything. Winter is Evil!


*Jan 17*
Dusting of heavier snow today. Still easy to clean up. I got my first flu shot, ever.
The Flu season has just been awful. Plus I just watched the Spanish Flu episode of Downton Abbey. I bet they would have gotten a vaccine if it had been available.

*Jan 18*
Small setback and a little meltdown! Pity Party table for one! Wondered why do I even bother? Felt like quitting. Then I got down to business. Went and did my Thursday exercise.

Once again!
Time to cue the tiny violin

Tried Kombucha yesterday. I love it! Kind of spendy, but hopefully the probiotics will keep sickness at bay.

My old girl is going to be 14 this year!

*Jan 19*
The weather was beautiful today. I wish we could keep this weather. It will be very beautiful for a couple days, at least

*Jan 20*
Today is my dad's birthday!
This is an interesting day. How to eat birthday cake and enjoy myself. Without going crazy.
Dad wanted Steak for his birthday dinner
Boiled some potatoes with it
Mom doesn't like Steak. So she had turkey
Meatballs and pasta.
Which turned out to be awful. Sorry mom
I did good today. There was no binging and I did exercise.

The Steak was great, but this is what I really want

*Jan 21*
Last Week 141.5
This Week 140.7

A life without cake is no life at all
Or at least a very sad one. A life
without cake makes me 'that diet person'

Week Six

*Jan 22*
This is usually the time that I give up. Resolve to do better next time.  Or I will start over again, tomorrow. They tell me the definition of insanity. Is doing the same thing over and over. While expecting a different result.
No more insanity!

*Jan 23*
Had some distressing news. I am not going to feed my sadness with food.

*Jan 24*
Has it been 21 days yet? I heard that to make something a habit takes 21 days. It is taking me a little longer.

What do you do?
When your mom makes homemade pound cake?
You eat a slice. At least I do. I am not going to turn down cake.

She looks so cute! Just had to share

*Jan 25*
Was feeling a little blah. That my progress isn't is fast as I would like. Then I remembered. Rapid progress means I gain the weight back. Just as quickly. I want this weight to be gone forever. I want to be the 5% that finds success. Not the 95% that fails over and over.

*Jan 26*
Tried to talk myself out of exercising. All the way through.
Time to change it up a bit.

*Jan 27*
I was planning on changing my exercise plan on Monday. Now I'm not so sure. Maybe I will, maybe I won't.

*Jan 28*
A dress I wore for Christmas is a little loose.
Not as loose as I would like. I still have a lot of work to do.

Last week 140.7
This week 139.6

Follow me on Instagram and Twitter

I am neither a Doctor or Dietitian.
All healthcare choices should be discussed with your Doctor before you begin.
Also leaving comments about Garcinia Cambogia, et al. Will get your comment deleted and you will be blocked.

~That's my .02 cents. Not sure that it is worth that much!~

Sunday, February 25, 2018

What Can I Change in Eight Weeks? Part Two

January! New beginnings and a blank slate!
I love the New Year!
Thank you for reading my blog
For your reading enjoyment, Part One  What Can I Change in Eight Weeks?

Week Three

*January 1*
New Year's Day
This time last year. I was with my dad in the Emergency Room. The week before, my mom was sick. I am glad that they survived and they are still with me. I am selfish like that.
 New Year's Day was always the start date in the past. So glad that I started two weeks ago instead of waiting until today.

It is so cold out.
Olivia's favorite place is the register.
Even with her sweater
Mandie takes her turn on the register

*Jan 2*
The only good thing about this cold weather. 
Is the Spring flower bulbs.  

*Jan 3*

My downfall is binge eating and not wanting to exercise.
Then giving up when I have a setback. Frigid weather is a trigger. Even though I can't control the weather. (If I could. We would never, ever have Winter, ever)
*Jan 4*
Little bit of snow and not bad. It was very light and powdery. Had to clean off the car early for an appointment. I usually don't like snow. 
*Jan 5*
I am trying so hard to be joyful in my present circumstances.
It is so cold outside and frigid. It makes the house freezing cold and unbearable, too. When will it end?
 Oh I know! Bring on the tiny violins.

This may just be the World's Tiniest Violin
Courtesy of my mother who collects tiny instruments

*Jan 6*

Brrrrrrrrrrrr! Get out my tiny band.

Much more of this and I will need a tiny band
With a tiny piano

*Jan 7*
Last Week 141.8
This Week 141.8

Didn't lose, but at least I didn't gain!
The Scale is not my enemy.
The scale is a tool to measure my weight. It doesn't measure my worth.

Week Four

*Jan 8*
Found an interesting footprint in the snow yesterday

Footprint in my backyard. Is it a big dog? Bear? One legged Sasquatch on a pogo stick?

A day later. Footprint almost gone.
The toes are gone, but the heel is still there
If you look hard enough

Bear or dog? 
One legged Mini Squatch?

It was about the size of a soda can.
Very interesting!

*Jan 9*
Last year, I weighed 137.6 This year I weigh approx. 140
Gained and lost and then gained the same four pounds. For the whole year. I don't want a repeat of that.

My very first blog on the subject!
Ugly Truth Week One

*Jan 10*
It is just one of those days. Feeling blah!

*Jan 11*
This has been quite a learning process. While I can't control how I am treated. I can't control things like the weather.
I can control how I feel about them. I used to give up and binge. Then say, Oh! I will start over tomorrow. Then I would maintain or even worse gain.

The weather is lovely! Can we keep it?
I know that we can't keep it. It is January after all.

*Jan 12*
Raining and lovely. Washed all the ice melt off of the sidewalk.
Got my period today, so tired. I got up early to take Olivia to the groomer.  Normally would have made an excuse and not exercised. I exercised anyway!
(Talking about periods. If you don't want real and raw. This isn't the blog for you. I won't be vulgar, but I do still get a period. I will talk about it from time to time.)

Olivia went to The Spa today. Isn't she a cutie?
That is a rhetorical question. Of course she is a cutie.

Watching the magic window

*Jan 13*
The beautiful weather didn't stay around. It is cold and windy. Don't like it! Don't want this to become a blog where I complain all the time. I want to keep it real, but I don't want to complain all the time. Forgive me, I might complain sometimes.

*Jan 14*
It's January, heavy sigh.
Feeling a little icky.

Last Week 141.8
This Week 141.5

Follow me on Instagram and Twitter

I am neither a Doctor or Dietitian.
All healthcare choices should be discussed with your Doctor before you begin.
Also leaving comments about Garcinia Cambogia, et al. Will get your comment deleted and you will be blocked.


~That's my .02 cents. Not sure that it is worth that much!~