Monday, February 18, 2019

Wigs for Kids! Part Two!

   Part One of this blog!

     Every year for my birthday. I like to make a donation to a charitable organization.  Still working on the enormous task of growing my hair out for donation. This organization makes wigs for kids that have lost their own hair. Due to illness or other reasons. The organization is called, Wigs for Kids!  

     It can be difficult. Whenever I see a cute, soft and wavy bob. They are all cute! The temptation to cut and color my hair is strong. It is much harder is to go through your young life without hair. Hair is such an important part of our self esteem. Maybe it shouldn't be, but it is. Persisting in this goal. 

The length of my hair now!
February 19, 2019
     I knew that my hair wouldn't be long enough by my birthday. So starting a Fundraiser. Seemed like a really good idea. The idea is to raise $1,800. Enough to make one wig. The recipients and their families don't get charged. Erin's Birthday Fundraiser, For Wigs for Kids!

My hair length from December 13, 2018

     Found some great tasting Gummy hair vitamins. As well as attempting to eat healthy food and get plenty of exercise.

Some information about Wigs for Kids!
Wigs for Kids
Wigs for Kids! Frequently Asked Questions

Acceptable hair for donation
Donate Your Hair!

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Wigs for Kids on Twitter

Wigs for Kids on Facebook!

Please consider donating whether with money or your own hair.